Thank you for giving us your precious time to have an insight of what happens inside the mighty RCHE, that makes me glad to be part of as its Headteacher and Principal. Our school has a reputation for developing the “Whole person” (Head, Heart and Hands). We are an inclusive school that doesn’t discriminate learners’ physical and mental abilities. We work. together for the success of all.

The uniqueness of this institution is in it being a Centre for Higher Education (CHE), the reason its leader is called Headteacher and also Principal. In addition to the normal secondary cycle of 5.1 to S.6, at RCHE we teach Business courses (Secretarial studies, Hotel and Institutional Catering and Accountancy) at both Certificate and Diploma levels with students doing exams from Uganda Business and Technical examinations Board (UBTEB). These have gone a long way in serving this nation in their respective fields. We are really proud of them.

The academic journey at RCHE has met tremendous successes over years and I applaud the Staff for the commitment exhibited. We have seen our students excelling at S.4 with the best score 50 far being Aggregate 10 and our S.6 candidates have already hit the highest mark of 20 points. We have also seen our students doing well in the traditional courses in higher Institutions with First class Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates. Our Business Students have made us proud because of their outstanding performance in UBTEB examinations. All our students pass these exams with many distinctions. We shall continue to excel, God being our helper.

At RCHE, our learners are our priority. We work hard to nurture the growth of every learner socially, culturally and spiritually through our chapel services led by our chaplain. In this case therefore we thank church of Uganda especially Diocese of West Ankole for the parented love they show us through the visits and prayers rendered to us all the times.

Thank you, Bishop Johnson Twinomujuni for the Good leadership. We have our core values which are, Faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, Compassion, Trust, integrity, teamwork and social responsibility.

We are proud of our learners’ discipline which has greatly improved. The staff are doing a great work in bringing these st students to order and we are grateful We thank the student leadership for they have greatly supported our endeavors to god discipline. These are led by Amanya Signal Bonde S.5A (Headboy), Akedi Ester Great S.SS (Headgirl) and Nahwera Martha S.SA (Chairperson School Council). The recent election of our two leaders on the Sheema District Students’ Council is a clear testimony of our leaders’ hard work and the trust that the rest of the world have developed in them. Nahwera Martha, Our Chairperson School Council was elected Deputy Speaker and Tumwekwase Jimson, our Speaker was elected Secretary for finance. We thank God.

The introduction of the competence based curriculum (The new lower secondary curriculum NLSC) has boosted our learners’ potential because most of our students are now able to do their own research, projects, revision with just a helping hand of their facilitators (the teachers) who have. been facilitated to various workshops both internal and external for this curriculum and we hope for better results this year. On my own behalf and the team that I lead, we appreciate the government of Uganda through National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC) for the initiation of this lower secondary curriculum that trains learners holistically. We are hopeful that at the end of their learning cycle, they will go home with skills in Tailoring, Computer, Agriculture, Art and Entrepreneurship and these will greatly solve the problem of unemployment.

We are grateful to the Government of Uganda for the UGIFT project that has constructed a SEED School for us, and this is almost complete. Learning space has been a challenge to our increasing enrollment and we have seen more classrooms, computer laboratory, Science laboratory, library, ary, Administration block Staff quarters constructed. The school playground has also been upgraded. This is a huge boost to the infrastructure development of our school, the reason we shall always be thankful to God!

We are also grateful to the BARHD sponsors for the continuous support given to a good number of our students inform of school fees and up keep from 5.1 to S.6 with some sponsored to university level and other institutions of higher learning. These people of God have done a tremendous work in bringing hope to Ugandans whose Educational career would have otherwise been halted. We shall continue to ask God to bless them so much.

RCHE is also unique in its other way, it’s the only school with a Patron, Prof. Ephraim Kamuntu. We are grateful to him for the great support he has given to this institution. Through his unique lobbying abilities, the school has acquired a number of donations from Government and other Development partners.

We appreciate the great work done by the management bodies of PTA and Board of Governors. The school is enjoying Stability and we commend the efforts of these committees in getting us there.

Lastly, I draw every one’s attention to my teammates the staff comprising of the teaching, non-teaching and support staff that work as a team for the development of our institution. May God bless them abundantly!

I wish everyone a good time as you go through this website.

“Together we can achieve”

“For a better tomorrow”

“For God and my country”

Tumuramye Abel Rushegyera

